Tel: 978-458-1293
Fax: 978-458-6953
Request for Insurance Referral
Insurance Referrals
If your insurance requires a referral for a specialist visit or other services, please be sure to contact us as soon as possible so that we may process the required referral. Most plans do not allow the PCP office to backdate referrals. If you request a referral and then change coverage, please notify us immediately or you may be responsible for the visit or services.
Out-of-Network Insurance Referrals
Out-of-Network Insurance Referrals (referrals outside of Tufts Medicine Integrated Nephysician/facilities) require a medically necessary referral review with the PHO Referral Management Team. Referral turnaround time is approximately 14 days. The Referral Management team may not approve the out-of-network referral request – the physician will review with you the options for in-network care. If you decide to go forward with the out-of- network visit, you will be financially responsible for services provided.
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